Friday, October 26, 2007

paper topic

i am picking paper topic # 3 because i feel that there are some rules here at Proctor Academy that need to be changedd

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Huckleberry Finn

Pg. 72
Pap always said, take a chicken when you get a chance, beacause if you dont want him yourself you can easy find somebody who does, and a good deed aint ever forgot.

-This means that you should never pass anything up, because even if you dont need it yourself someone else might need it and a good deed is never forgotten and in time you will most likely end up recieving a good deed by that person.

Pg. 89
But i reckon it was more than a cat-nap, for when I walked up the stars was shining bright, the fog was all gone, and I was spinning down a big bend stern first.

-This means that he was dreaming, but he was dreaming about what was happening in the water and he didnt know if i was real or if it was a dream.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Song of Myself

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

-In this quote Walt Whitman is relating himself to Ralph Waldo Emerson's beliefs that were [rotrayed in "Self Reliance." Whitman admits that he contradicts himself, because he will write about what he did one day that will contradict the previous day.

The past and present wilt- I have fill'd them, emptied them. And proceed to fill my next fold of the future.

-Now that the past and present are over I can start to create and fill my future.

Ministers Black Veil

In early life he had accidentally killed a beloved friend, and from that day till the hour of his own death, he hid his face from men.

-When Mr. Joseph Moody was young he accidentally killed one of his beloved friends, and from that day on he hid his face from everyone because we was so embarasses of what people would say to him.

It was remarkable that all the busybodies and impertinent people in the parish, not one ventured to put the the plain quesion to Mr. Hopper.

-It was amazing that all the people who thought they were better than Mr. Hopper didn't ask him any questions to prove that they were smarter than him, and to see if he really did know what he was talking about.

Young Goodman Brown

"Say thy prayers, dear faith, and go to bed at dusk, and no harm will come of thee.

-if Faith says her prayers and goes to bed a suck, then Goodman Brown will be fine on his journey and nothing at all will happen to him and he will come back to Faith and they will live there lives together for the rest of thier lives.
I choose paper topic # 1

Monday, October 8, 2007

Emily Dickinson

-Yes, Dickinson was transcendental because shebelieved that life itself was inherrently good, she thought that people were also inherrently good, she always told the truth, she thought that people should trust their imaginations.
In every life he had accidentally killed a beloved friend,and from that day till the hour of hisown death, he hid his face from men.

-When he wasyoung he accidentally killed one of his close friends and from that day on he hid his face from everyone because hewas so embarressed of what people would say to him.

It was remarkablethat all the busy bodies and impertinent people in the parish, notone ventured to put the plain question to Mr. Hopper.

-It was amazing that all the people who think thier better than Mr. Hopper didnt askhim any quetions to prove that they were smarter than him
"say thy prayers,dear faith , and go to bed at dusk, and no harm will come of thee"

-If Faith says her prayers and goes to bed at dusk, then Goodman Brown will be fine on his journey.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Will you speak before I am gone? will you provealready to late.

-will you speak before i die? will you prove what has happened im my life before it is too late.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Henry David Thoreau Journal Entries

Sunday, September 23, 2007


For an impentrable sheild, stand in side yourself.

This qoute means that if you believe in yourself and stand bye yourself then no one can touch you. I picked this quote because its true and not everyone knows it. This qoute has to do with the story because it is talking about nature making haste but if you belive in yourself, nature cant touch you.


Nature never makes haste; her systems revolve at an even pace.

nature is never harsh to anyone, all the weather condition happen for a reason, but not to hurt anyone. I choose this quote because nature never really means to make haste and that everything happens for a reason. This quote has to do with the story because alot of things are happening in nature but its no making haste in any way.

"Where I Lived, and What I Lived For''

"Renew thyself completely each day; do it again, and again,and forever again.
-Get plenty of sleep, so that you are ready for the next day and arent always tired from lack of sleep and do it again, and again, and again.

The Vedas says,"All intellingences awake with the morning."
-If you want, or are intelligent you will wake up early and get a head start on the day, but if your not, or dont want to be intelligent you will stay in bed and miss the morning.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,how would men believe and adore and preserve many generations the rememberance of the city of god whic had been shown.
-If the stars only appeared one night in a 1000 years then how would men have storys to tell from generation to generation.

Nature never wears a mean apperance.
-Nature is never mean, you should always make the best out of the conditions.

Self Reliance

To go in to solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamver as from society.
-to be able to go into solitude a man needs to have done enough for his own life and for society.

Most persons do not see the sun
- Most people are buried in their problems and work that they cant see the light at the of the tunnel

Friday, September 21, 2007

i choose the paper topic # 3 proctor's transcendentalism thoughts and values

Monday, September 10, 2007

What Connor Toomey wants to learn in American Literature

I would like to learn how to write a paper in its correct format. I would also like to like to learn more about the PSAT's and how to do good on them. I would also like to read some interesting books this year that will teach me more about the history of American Literature.